What every Seventh-day Adventist needs to know before visiting Israel


Treading  the Soil of Old Jerusalem & Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus.


 "Among our workers are some who feel that a great object would be gained if their feet could tread the soil of old Jerusalem. But God's cause and work will never be advanced by His workers wandering about to find where Jesus traveled and wrought His miracles. Would you trace the footsteps of Christ, behold Him in that hovel, ministering to the poor; see Him at that sick bed, comforting the suffering, and speaking hope and courage to the desponding. Those who walk in the footsteps of Jesus will do as He did."   - Ellen G. White, Review and Harold, July 30, 1901.


This space is dedicated to providing statistics as to the success of our vision; to see millions of dollars that would have been used to tour the "holy land" channeled into the Lord's work to bringing the light of the Gospel to the hearts of those who are perishing out of Christ.  Here are some of the kinds of stats we hope to be able to relay:


Trips Canceled

Dollars Saved and Devoted to the Lord's work

Number of One-Day Churches Erected

Number of Souls Saved (estimate calculated by average number of conversions per dollar spent of missionary efforts.


Please contact us to share your story so we can use it to encourage others. Come back later and see what the Lord will do!